Issue #1 (9) 2022

Professors Journal.
Series: Russian language and literature.
№ 1 (9) 2022


Analysis of Сurrent Trends in the Socio-Cultural Adaptation of Migrant Children in the Russian Federation

Ol’ga Yu. Ryauzova, Moscow Pedagogical State University; Interuniversity center of bilingual and multicultural education, The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (

Anna B. Uglova, The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (а

Anna V. Oblasova, Interuniversity center of bilingual and multicultural education, The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (

Anastasiia Iu. Aleksinskaia, Interuniversity center of bilingual and multicultural education, The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (

This article investigates a current situation of socio-cultural adaptation of migrant children, identifies the main directions of this scope and its problem field. It describes the results of empirical research of Russian teachers’ subjective perceptions of socio-cultural adaptation difficulties of migrant children at school and the most common teaching practices and methods for effective migrant children adaptation. To this end the article provides a comparative analysis of the approved programs of socio-cultural adaptation of migrant children, which are used by Russian teachers.

Key words: socio-cultural adaptation, migrant children, host educational environment, integration of migrant children.

Linguistic Methodological Support of the Process of Integration of Migrant Children into the Educational Space of Russian School

(Experience of the Domodedovo district of Moscow region)

Khamraeva Elizaveta Alexandrovna, Moscow Pedagogical State University, Interuniversity center for bilingual and multicultural education of Herzen University (

Kytina Natalia Ivanovna, RUDN University (

The article is devoted to determining the role and place of the Russian language in the organization of education of migrant children in Russian school. It describes the difference in methodological systems and principles of organization of education in multicultural classes of schools of the Russian Federation of different types. At present, a system of advanced training for teachers working with this group of students has been organized in Russia. The article presents the practical experience of organized integration of migrant children of educational organizations of the Domodedovo district of Moscow region.

Key words: school models; bilingual children; multicultural classes; foreigners; immersion; polyethnic school.

The practice of subject-language integrative learning as a way of forming the socio-cultural competence of students

Shorina Tatiana, Interuniversity Bilingual Center and Multicultural Education, Herzen State Pedagogical University Of Russia (

Novikova Polina, Interuniversity Bilingual Center and Multicultural Education, Herzen State Pedagogical University Of Russia (

The article is devoted to the problem of forming socio-cultural competence of migrant children in the modern Russian multicultural educational space. The authors propose methods for compiling integrative lessons, justifying their effectiveness and relevance in multicultural classes. The examples of subject-language integrative learning in the article, their novelty and advantages, along with other methods, served as the basis for including this topic in the professional development program for the socio-cultural adaptation of migrant children by means of the Russian language, history and culture are demonstrated.

In conclusion, The idea of necessity to master the skills of creating integrative lessons within the framework of professional competencies for working in classes with a multinational composition for Russian teachers is substantiated.

Key words: integrative learning, subject-language learning, methodology of the Russian language as a non-native, socio-cultural adaptation, education of migrant children.

The Set of Textbooks «I want to know Russia» as a Means of Sociocultural Adaptation of Migrant Children

Elena Zhelezniakova, The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (

Elizaveta Andreiushina, The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (

Lola Samatova, The Interuniversity Center of Bilingual and Multicultural Education, The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (

The article presents a detailed author’s review of the set of textbooks «I want to know Russia». The set was created by the Interuniversity Center of Bilingual and Multicultural Education and the Department of Intercultural Communication of Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia. The set of textbooks of language and sociocultural adaptation is intended for short-term education of migrant children and children living in multi-ethnic regions of the Russian Federation. The set of textbooks is recommended to be used in addition to the main textbook of the Russian language.

Key words: sociocultural adaptation, migrant children, bilingualism, multicultural school, intercultural communication.

On the Experience of Implementing the Additional Program «Socio-cultural Adaptation of Children of Migrants and Children Living in Multi-Ethnic Regions of the Russian Federation by means of the Russian language, History and Culture» by the Students of Pedagogical Classes at School No. 2065 in Moscow

O.V. Minina, T.L. Kharchenkova, A.D. Sayapina, T.V. Tereshechkina, Moscow, School No. 2065 (

The article is devoted to the experience of project activities of students in pedagogical classes, their analysis and assessment of their participation in short-term education outside school hours of migrant children according to the program and teaching aids developed and provided to the school by the Interuniversity Center for Bilingual and Multicultural Education of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen.

Key words: teaching classes, socio-cultural adaptation and integration, migrant children.

Linguocultural Aspects of the Study of the Literary Text in a Foreign-Speaking Audience

GurevichP.Yu., Lomonosov Moscow State University (

The problems of fiction text reception increase in the foreign-language audience, as the reader’s experience contributes to the extraction of meaning conditioned by the basic cultural codes of a foreign speaker. Principles of text selection, their adaptation, semantic difficulties, the algorithm for independent understanding of texts — these and other issues of studying a fiction text as a means of language learning are the focus of the article.

Key words: linguoculturology, fiction text, text adaptation, reading, comprehension.

Modern Russian rhetoric: 25-year history

Vladimir Annushkin, Pushkin State Russian Language Institute (

The article is devoted to summarizing the activities of the Russian Association of Researchers, Teachers and Teachers of Rhetoric, which celebrated the 25th anniversary of its existence. The author shows which outstanding scientists were at the origins of the Association, how the activities of Russian rhetoricians in various universities of Russia consistently expanded, what contacts with foreign colleagues enriched our scientific and pedagogical experience. Much attention is paid to the description of the problems of numerous scientific schools formed in the Rhetorical Association of Russia. The final part of the article is devoted to clarifying and generalizing explanations of the fundamental terms “rhetoric” and “rhetorician”.

Key words: rhetoric, rhetorician, Association, conference, scientific school.

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