Issue #4 (8) 2021

Professors Journal.
Series: Russian language and literature.
№ 4 (8) 2021


Key trends in modern Translation Science: Paradigm Shift

Maria L. Alekseyeva, Ural State Pedagogical University (

The research paradigmatics of current translatological studies is heterogeneous. The aim of this article is to provide a brief outline of different research paradigms, major concepts and theories in the countries of Eastern, Western Europe and Russia. Numerous translation researches carried out within the linguistic approach from the 50s until the 90s have not lost their relevance. The latest studies of the early 21th century show a shift in emphasis from the language system towards speech, text as a speech implementation of language and increased attention to the activities of the translator. These studies complement the linguistic approach, indicating growing trends towards text-centrism and anthropocentrism. Trends in the synthesis of scientific knowledge are expressed in the attempt to combine the ideas of text-centric and anthropocentric approaches into a single whole within the framework of the activity paradigm understanding translation as an activity.

Key words: current translation studies, theoretical stage, paradigm shift.

Russian and Serbian phraseological units with lexemes ‘rabbit’, ‘wolf’, ‘bear’, and ‘fox’

Elizaveta Guseva, Lomonosov Moscow State University (

Milana Kizdobranski, University of Novi Sad (

Sonja Kozic, University of Novi Sad (

The article refers to the comparison of Russian and Serbian phraseological units with the lexemes ‘hare’, ‘wolf’, ‘bear’ and ‘fox’. Phraseological units have been divided into groups depending on the similarities or differences in their structure and lexical content. The results of surveys of the respondents regarding the use of these phraseological units have also been described.

Key words: phraseological units, lexemes, Russian language, Serbian language.

The steppe chronotope in the poetic world of A. Tarkovsky

Tsariova Olga, Saint-Petersburg State University (

The authentic position of the steppe chronotope in the poetic world of A. Tarkovsky is emphasized in the article. It is the artistic space that absorbs the most important ideas that form the author’s concept and philosophy. The steppe contains many of the poet’s cultural and personal associations, and it is also a space inhabited by characters important for Arseny Tarkovsky. In particular, the closest interlocutors of the lyrical subject, Grigory Skovoroda and Ovid, are inextricably linked with the steppe universe.

Key words: Arseny Tarkovsky. The lyrical subject. the steppe chronotope, Grigory Skovoroda, Ovid.

Student research papers on Russian as foreign language at St. Petersburg State University: topics, current issues and trends

Buzalskaia Elena, Saint Petersburg State University (

Voznesenskaya Irina, Saint Petersburg State University (

Zinovieva Elena, Saint Petersburg State University (

The article presents the results of monitoring the topics of scientific research on linguistics of Russian and foreign bachelors and masters of St. Petersburg State University over the past five years. Analyzing the obtained data, the authors came to the conclusion that the main trends of the works are methodological integrativity (interrelation with different levels in Linguistics and other sciences in Art and Humanities), cognitive-discursive orientation, and the compliance with modern vectors of linguistic research such as anthropocentrism and functionalism

Key words: scientific paradigm, integrativity, research methodology, Russian as a foreign language.

Review of the textbook by E.K. Stoletova, O.E. Chubarova “Extreme Сircumstances”, 2021, 164 pages.

А.N. Boldyreva, Moscow State Linguistic University (

A review of the textbook by E.K. Stoletova and O.E. Chubarova “Extreme Circumstances”, published in 2021 in the publishing house “Flinta”, is proposed. The textbook is addressed to advanced foreign learners. It presents three short stories by modern Russian writers, touching on actual and exciting topics for the modern reader. These stories are united by the fact that their characters are forced to act in difficult life situations, extreme circumstances, make difficult decisions, take risks, saving themselves and other people. The authors of the textbook are supporters of interrelated teaching of types of speech activity. Each of the texts presented in the book is followed by exercises aimed at developing reading, speaking and writing skills, improving the discursive and grammatical competencies of learners.

Key words: textbook, story, foreign learners, system of exercises.

G.I. Rozhkova as a founder of Russian as a Foreign Language department. From the history of forming a new direction in Russian studies at Moscow University

Mariia Borozdina, Lomonosov Moscow State University (

The article is dedicated to the 200th anniversary of birth of the Professor G.I. Rozhkova – the first head of the university Department of Russian language for foreigners at Lomonosov Moscow State University. The invaluable contribution of G.I. Rozhkova in the development of a new direction in Russian studies is to generalize the accumulated theoretical and practical experience of the so-called «functional» approach to the description and presentation of grammatical language material in order to teach foreign students and to promote the opening of the Department «Russian as a foreign language» at the Philological Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Key words: Russian as a foreign language, Russian studies, G.I. Rozhkova, the «functional» approach.

Linguofolcloristics in the scientific space of humanities and university curriculum

Pravednikov Sergey Pavlovich, Kursk State University (

Linguofolcloristics occupies an important place in the research activities of the Russian Language Department of Kursk State University. The article characterizes the main directions in which Kursk researchers work: identifying the linguistic originality of various folklore genres, studying the semantics of the folk poetic word, solving problems of folklore lexicology, dialectology and lexicography, cross-cultural analysis of folklore works of different peoples, etc. The innovative nature of the research carried out in integrated, methodological and methodical approaches to oral and poetic speech is noted. The role of linvofolcloristics as an academic discipline in the process of educating a modern citizen is emphasized.

Key words: humanitarian knowledge; the language of Russian folklore; linguofolcloristics; education of spirituality.

Philological research in the North-East of Russia

Narbut Elena Vladimirovna, North-Eastern State University (

Krasheninnikov Andrey Evgenievich, North-Eastern State University (

The article provides information on the scientific work carried out at the Faculty of Philology of the North-Eastern State University, in historical and modern aspects. Since the university was founded, the departments of the Faculty of Philology have been widely conducting research in linguistic and literary fields: dialectology and literature of the North-East of Russia, Russian phonology, classical and modern Russian literature, the phenomenon of camp literature, translation studies in the aspect of literary translation, foreign avant-garde literature, etc.

Key words. North-Eastern State University, dialectology, phonology, literature of the North-East of Russia, camp literature, Russian literature, foreign literature, translation studies.

Magazine articles

Light memory of Pavel Aleksandrovich Lekant – the great scientist and remarkable person
Book Review: Davydova T.T. Zamyatin encyclopedia. Moskow: FLINTA, 2018. 744 p.
Polysindeton as a means of achieving emphasis in émigré lyrics of Georgy Ivanov
As a white "trooper-maiden" turned into a red one. About unexpected prototypes of the main character of Alexei Tolstoy’s story “Viper”