Guidelines for contributors

The Journal’s purpose is to make a new research platform for dialog on topical issues in fundamental and applied studies of scholars, teachers and methodists. The Journal represents the research in different areas of linguistics, literature studies, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, cultural linguistics and methods of teaching Russian language and literature for Russians and foreign students.
All materials approved to be published in the journal are distributed into the following rubrics:

  • Methodologic Issues of Russian Language Studies
  • Linguistics: Word, Utterance, Text, Discourse
  • Russian Language in the World
  • Comparative Studies of Russian
  • Modern Speech Culture
  • Russian Literature in the Context of Modern Culture
  • History of Russian Language and Booklore
  • Russian as a Foreign Language Teaching Methodology
  • Linguodidactic testing
  • Language Arts in School
  • New Generation of Standards and Study Programs
  • School of a Young Teacher
  • Teaching Materials
  • Reviews
  • Scholar Chronicle
  • Faces of Language Arts

Rules for submitting, reviewing and publication of scholarly articles

  1. All publications are free of charge for the authors.
  2. Authors submitting articles to “Professors Journal. Series: Russian language and literature” should follow the Basic Rules of the Article Layout
  3. Any materials that have been previously published or sent to the editorial offices of other journals will not be accepted as well as materials that lie outside the scope of the relevant topics of the journal or do not satisfy the Basic rules of the text layout.
  4. All materials submitted to the editorial office are selected on the basis of double-blind peer review process and the decision of the editorial board of the journal.
  5. The editorial board makes a decision (to approve, to reject, to revise and resubmit) based on the reviewers’ comments. The decision of the editorial board and the reviews are sent to the authors in electronic form.
  6. In case of “revise and resubmit” decision, the revised version undergoes a new round of reviewing and is accepted for publication if the previous shortcomings are eliminated.
  7. “Professors Journal. Series: Russian language and literature” is an open access journal. The readers can download, print and copy the materials without necessary consent of the Author of the Editor.
  8. The editorial board recommends authors to surf previous issues of the journal ( and if possible, to cite corresponding works, published in the journal.

Manuscripts in Russian and English are accepted.

All submissions should be sent to Editorial Board via e-mail

  • The text of the article must be submitted in Microsoft Word for Windows format (.doc or .docx) as well as in RTF format.
  • If the article contains tables, schemes, pictures the authors are kindly requested to send a copy of article in .PDF format as well.
    The recommended size of submitted research papers is 12 000–25 000 symbols. The recommended size of submitted review articles is no more than 12000 symbols.
  • Page size: A4, book oriented, all the fields: 2 sm. The pages shouldn’t be numbered. The option Hyphenation should be applied. The title should be places left-side, 16 pt Times New Roman, in bold type, in lower case except for the 1st capital letter.
  • The author’s name and surname should be placed left side, 12 pt Times New Roman in bold italics. Science degree, academic title, position and affiliation should be placed after comma beginning a new paragraph in lower case, italics, 12 pt Times New Roman. Next line author’s e-mail is placed.
  • The author’s data should be followed by the abstract (500-600 symbols) in italics, width centered, 10 pt Times New Roman.
  • Next line should present the keywords: after Keywords: (10 pt Times New Roman, bold, italics) no more than 5 notions, in italics, 10 pt Times New Roman, width centered.
  • The text of article. Font size: 12 pt Times New Roman, line spacing: 1, width centered. Indented paragraph – 1,25 sm made via menu Format – Paragraph. The authors should use MS Word generated endnotes for comments. It is recommended to enclose non-standard fonts and illustrations, if there are any.
  • Tables should be formed via menu Tables.
  • Illustrations, schemes and pictures should be inserted as an object, numbered and titled.
  • The list of references is given at the end of the article and is arranged alphabetically without numbering. This list includes only the works mentioned in the text. The word Literature is centered, bold, 12 pt Times New Roman. Next the list of the references is given 10 pt Times New Roman. The surnames of author(s) is in italics.
  • References inside the text are put in square brackets: [Zolotova 1974: 56]. The list of cited works should be prepared using Russian Standard 7.0.5-2008.
  • After the References the metadata in English is given. The title: left centered, 16 pt Times New Roman, bold in lower case except for the 1st letter. After a comma beginning a new paragraph science degree, academic title, position and affiliation are placed (12 pt Times New Roman, italics). Next paragraph is author’s e-mail.
  • Next line an abstract in English should be given (10 pt Times New Roman, italics). It is followed be Key words in English (10 pt Times New Roman, bold, italics) which should include no more than 5 notions.
  • For emphasizing, 2 pt spacing or bold is used. Underlining should not be used. Italics should be used only for examples in the text.
  • The letter Ё is used only in order to distinguish different meanings (such as все/всё  etc.). If needed the letter Ё could be used in language examples.
  • Between the numerals en dash is used.
  • Nonbreaking space (Shift+Cntrl+Space) should be applied in common abbreviations like типа т. е., и т. д., и т. п. and between initials and surname.

The editorial board reserves the right to decline articles not meeting the basic rules without further consideration.

 Title of the article
Vladimir Ivanov
PhD, Professor, Faculty of Philology, Lomonosov Moscow State University

The text of an abstract. The text of an abstract. The text of an abstract. The text of an abstract. The text of an abstract. The text of an abstract. The text of an abstract. The text of an abstract. The text of an abstract. The text of an abstract. The text of an abstract. The text of an abstract.
Key words: words, words, words, words. 

Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. [Zolotova 1974]. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text.
Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text.


Zhivov V.М. Istoria iazyka russkoi pismennosti: In 2 v. V 1. Мoscow: Russkii fond sodeistvia obrazovaniiu i nauke, 2017. 816 p.
Revzina О.G. Iazyk pisatelia I literaturnyi iazyk v kontseptsii V.V. Vinogradova // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta Series 9. Filologia. 2015. №6. Pp. 25–35.
Sovremennyi russkii iazyk. Sotsial’naya i functsional’naia differentsiatsia / ed. L.P. Krysin. Мoscow: Iazyki slavianskoi kultury, 2003. 568 p.
Chicherov V.Ch. Parallelizm // Literaturnaya entsiklopedia: In 11 v.  V. 8. Мoscow: OGIZ RSFSR. Sovetskaya entsiklopedia, 1934. Pp. 443–444.