Issue #1 (1) 2020
Professors Journal.
The study of Russian language: challenges and new prospects
Tatyana Shmeleva, Dr. Hab. in Philology, Full Professor, Professor of the Department of Journalism Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University (
The article presents the views on the current state of the science of the Russian language. Highlighted its key achievements – the extension of the notions of language within the literary language, on one hand, and differentiation of Russian studies concerning the areas of communication, on the other (political linguistics, media linguistics, jurilinguistic). Attention is paid to a number of unsolved problems (semantics, text theory, speech). At the same time, the presence of new prospects related to computer technologies, case studies, electronic libraries was emphasized.
Key words: Russian language, semantics, text, speech, computer technologies.
Vocabulary and Grammar, or Vocabulary in Grammar
Maya V. Vsevolodova, Dr. Hab. in Philology, Professor, Professor of the Faculty of Philology of Lomonosov Moscow State University (
The article presents the material related to vocabulary functioning in syntactic structures, i.e. in the text, and reveals some morphological problems, in the course of the description of Russian as a foreign language. The author characterizes the level of modern linguistics, noting that a new approach to linguistics has been formed, which allows to look at a language in a new way: to consider the dynamics of language functioning, to use the concepts of field, category, multitude and etc. These fundamental ideas are illustrated on the data of grammar words, mainly participles and prepositions.
Key words: language structure, functioning of language units, grammar words, categories and paradigms, prepositional units.
On stratification of morphological units and phenomena in grammatical structure of Russian language
Panova Galina Ivanovna, Dr. Hab. in Philology, Full Professor in the Department of Russian Language and Literature of university Khakass State University after Katanov (
Representation of morphological forms as units of abstract grammatical system at the level of lexical units in word form and at the level of statements in the word form of syntaxeme is analyzed in the article from the position of separating different levels of existence of the grammatical structure. Considering the results of its meaningful interaction with the lexeme and the context (agreed or uncoordinated), three types of realization of morphological meaning in the structure of word forms and statements are distinguished. The article describes the levels of manifestation and differentiation of morphological homonymy, indicating the means of differentiation.
Key words: morphological meaning, morphological form, word form, word form-syntaxeme, morphological homonymy.
Russian national identity in linguocultural and lexicographical focus (on the material of adjectives nominating human personality traits)
Elena Innokentievna Zinovieva, Dr. Hab. in Philology, Professor, Professor of the Faculty of Philology of St. Petersburg State University (
The article discusses the selection criteria and parameters of linguistic analysis of Russian adjectives nominating human personality traits and being significant both in the Russian language picture of the world and in the Russian language consciousness. Each parameter is accompanied by examples of the analysis of language material, i.e. semantics and features of the functioning of adjectives nominating personality traits in Russian, and also on a foreign language background. The article defines some principles relevant to the description of these adjectives in the dictionary of linguocultural type and proposes the structure and sample of the dictionary article.
Key words: national identity, adjective, personality traits, linguocultural and lexicographical description.
As a white «trooper-maiden» turned into a red one. About unexpected prototypes of the main character of Alexei Tolstoy’s story “Viper”
Boris V. Sokolov, Dr. Hab. in Philology, Ph. D. in History, PR-director of the Association of the researchers of the Russian society (AIRO-XXI) (
The article is devoted to the real prototypes of the main character of the story A.N. Tolstoy “Viper” (1928) Olga Zotova. The white “trooper-maidens” Baroness S.N. de Bode and M.V. Zakharchenko-Schultz are considered as the prototypes. It is concluded that Tolstoy, who was little familiar with the realities of the Civil war on the part of the Red Army, created the image of a Red Army girl-soldier, using materials related to women who fought in the ranks of the White. It was impossible under censorship conditions to create the white “trooper-maiden” as a main character of a Soviet story.
Key words: A.N. Tolstoy, “Viper”, the Russian literature of the 1920s, the Civil war, the Russian emigration.
Polysindeton as a means of achieving emphasis in émigré lyrics of Georgy Ivanov
Maria Lopacheva, PhD (Philology), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Literature and Children’s Reading, St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture (
Based on the material of émigré lyrics of George Ivanov, the harmonizing and semantic functions polysindeton are considered. Choosing a polysindeton as a stylistic figure, the poet skillfully used his ability to impart intonational unity and expression to the text.The period, multi-union, chiasm and other unifying techniques and figures along with the harmonizing function in Ivanov’s verses expressed a very definite semantic intention: despite the poet’s tragic perception of the catastrophic epoch of the “disintegration of the atom”, his belief in the saving power of integrity was broadcast by counterpoint.
Key words: polysindeton, anaphora, period, George Ivanov, emphasis.
Basis for allocating foreign students of film universities in independent learning profile
Alina Meshcherikova, Senior lecturer, Department of Russian and Foreign Languages, All-Russia State Institute of Cinematography named after S.A. Gerasimov (
The reasons for allocation foreign students of film universities in an independent profile of teaching Russian as a foreign language are considered in the article. Teaching in the film universities involves multispecialization. Multiprofiles specializations of students, typical for the film university, and the mismatch of professional communicative skills with the needs of foreign students in other humanitarian profiles, attest to the objective need for the cinematography profile to be singled out as an independent direction in the teaching methodology of Russian as a foreign language.
Key words: film universities, learning profile, multispecialization, cinematography profile, mixed-subject groups.
Speech mistakes as a means of developing professional speech skills in foreign law students
Elena Demidova, PhD (Philology), Associate Professor in the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language in Professional Education, Moscow State Pedagogical University (
Julia Martynenko, PhD (Philology), Associate Professor in the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language in Professional Education, Moscow State Pedagogical University (
The article deals with the problem of teaching foreign students the language of law. As an effective means of teaching, the authors propose a system of exercises based on the material of errors in business writing. Researching the typology of such errors, stylistic editing of the text allows to increase the level of proficiency in professional speech and prepare students for future professional activities.
Key words: specialty language, official business style, speech errors, foreign students.
Lexical Analysis of a Poetic Тext in the Practice of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language (on the Example of the M.Yu. Lermontov’s Poem “Cliff”)
Andrey. G. Matiushenko, PhD (Philology), Associate Professor of the Department of Russian language for foreign students of the faculty of Philology of Lomonosov Moscow State University (
The article is devoted to the lexical analysis of a poetic text in a foreign language audience – in the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language. Using the example of Lermontov’s poem “Cliff”, it is shown how the analysis of synonymy, derivational analysis and visualization can explain to students the meaning of the most important word usage in a literary text. The article also contains an extract from the manual on the language of Lermontov’ poetry, including the analysis of the poem “Cliff” in accordance with the proposed method.
Key words: Russian as a foreign language, poetic text, commented reading, lexical analysis, derivational analysis, poem by Lermontov “Clliff”.
Grammatical task: methodology of compilation and completion
Valeria V. Dobrovolskaya, PhD (Philology), Associate Professor of the Department of Russian language for foreign students of Nature Science faculties of the faculty of Philology of Lomonosov Moscow State University (
The article deals with the problems of methods of compiling grammatical tasks at the prolonged stage of teaching Russian as a foreign language and using them in the educational process. The factors influencing efficiency on the use of grammatical tasks as the most important tool of educational process at removal of grammatical skills of pupils on operational level are analyzed.
Key words: grammatical task, the working unit of the task, a meaningful composition tasks, the method of performing the tasks, task classification, the principles of blocking tasks.
Book Review: Davydova T.T. Zamyatin encyclopedia. Moskow: FLINTA, 2018. 744 p.
Sergey Kormilov, Dr. Hab. in Philology, Faculty of Philology, Lomonosov State University (
Tatiana Davydova’s book is a real encyclopedia. Even small sketches of works are analyzed, the writer’s biography is well laid out, his creative principles are characterized. There are articles about the characters of the main works.
Key words: neorealism, dystopia, cycle, scenario, periods.
In the memory of Pavel Aleksandrovich Lekant – the great scientist and remarkable person
Nikolay Samsonov, PhD (Philology), head of the Department of the modern Russian language named after professor P.A. Lekant of Moscow Region State University (
The obituary is devoted to Pavel Aleksandrovich Lekant’s memory – the Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Dr. Hab. in Philology, Emeritus professor of Moscow Region State University, the vice-president of the International academy of Sciences of pedagogical education, the executive editor of the Bulletin of the Moscow Region State University, Series: Russian philology.
Key words: Lekant Pavel Aleksandrovich, Russian philology, Russian grammar, Russian syntax.