Issue #3 (7) 2021

Professors Journal.
Series: Russian language and literature.
№ 3 (7) 2021


Archaic Novelty: New Phraseological Units of Russian Youth Slang

D.B. Gudkov, Lomonosov Moscow State University (

The article considers the figurative basis of new phraseological units of the Russian language, which are actively represented in youth slang, but, despite their wide distribution, have not yet been reflected in the “classical” lexicography. It is noted that these units are particularly difficult for foreign speakers studying Russian. Within the framework of the linguoculturological approach, the traditional Russian cultural codes on which the semantics of these phraseological units are based are distinguished.

Key words: phraseology, linguoculturology, reproducibility, cultural code, archetype.

Speech portrait of a group communicator in WhatsApp messenger

T.V. Grebelnik, Astrakhan State University (

This article attempts to describe a speech portrait of a participant in a group communication in the WhatsApp messenger. It gives a detailed description of the active communicant from the perspective of three levels: verbal-semantic, linguo-cognitive and the system of communicative roles, motives, goals that guide a person in the communication process.

Key words: speech portrait, group communication, messenger, verbal-semantic level, linguo-cognitive level, communicative role.

“Live as you want but use punctuation”: the language of online communications based on the examples of “chats” in messenger apps

Irina S. Brileva, Lomonosov Moscow State University (

The article is concentrating on details and specifics of youth online communications in various messenger apps (student and teenage chats). There is an emphasis on convergence of online writing with the oral form of speech. The main parameters of online message structure are keeping up the pace of communication and expressing emotional reactions. The means to compensate for non-verbal ways of communication when moved to the writing medium are analyzed.

Key words: online communication, forms of speech, chat language, slang.

Interpretation of time and eternity in the context of philosophical and scientific concepts in the novel by M. Shishkin «The Letter Book»

Mariia V. Bochkina, Moscow (

The article analyzes the interpretation of the phenomenon of time in the novel by M. Shishkin “The Letter Book”, in which the most ancient and modern scientific and philosophical concepts are refracted. The author pushes the limits of the novel world to the scale of universe. Time is interpreted not only as a measure of earthly life, the coordinates of human existence, biological cyclicity, but also as a cosmic phenomenon. Nature and the cosmos are spiritualized in the novel, the universe is understood as a harmonious and reasonable system. Eternity and immortality in the «Letter Book» are not abstract, but actually exist in the world itself.

Key words: time, Mikhail Shishkin, The Letter Book, modern Russian literature, neomodernism.

The poetics of color in the works of Nikolai Gogol and Mikhail Zoshchenko

Bao Tingting, Saint-Petersburg State University (

In Zoshchenko’s early stories and short stories, Gogol’s traditions are felt clearly and many of their points of convergence are revealed: the image of the “little man”, the fantastic manner, the specifics of the plot, the motivational and plot roll calls, the nature of the comic. It is worth noting that in the context of literary work, color carries an important semantic load, and the coloristic art of Zoshchenko and Gogol is also close to each other in symbolic complexity. So, in this article, we will try to analyze the uniqueness of the color palette of writers.

Key words: M.M. Zoshchenko, N.V. Gogol, “Sentimental stories”, color palette, intertextuality.

Sound systems of the Russian and Czech languages in the context of teaching Russian pronunciation to the Czechs

Elena L. Barhudarova, Lomonosov Moscow State University (

Jakub Konecny, Charles University (

The article presents an analysis of the phonetic systems of Russian and Czech languages in a linguodidactic context. Three aspects – systemic, system-position and articulatory – were taken into account while describing the similarities and differences of the compared systems. The first aspect assumes the comparison of the repertoire of phonemes including the signs that characterize them, the second — the investigation of the functioning of phonological units, the third – the description of the articulation of vowels. In addition to the differences between the two systems, which determine the phonetic differences in Russian speech of the Czechs, the correspondences that cause the possibilities of using the positive transfer of phonetic features of the mother tongue to the students are also described.

Key words: comparative phonetics, sound system, pronunciation, phonetic interference, foreign accent.

Test control in Russian as a foreign language from the standpoint of synergetic linguodidactics

Tatiana Vladimirova, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (

The article is devoted to the problem of improving the testing system in the Russian language at the pre-university stage of preparing foreign students for study in Russian universities. For this purpose, the work examines the linguodidactic potential of the synergetic approach, which actualizes the potential of the subject-subject interaction of the teacher and students. The implementation of this direction contributes to the creation of conditions that will bring the development of standardized test materials and testing to a qualitatively new level.

Key words: testing, linguodidactics, synergetics, personality, self-development.

Taking into account the national educational experience of students in the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language

Larisa Noreyko, Lomonosov Moscow State University (

The article discusses the features and content of foreign language education. The article examines the Eastern tradition of education in order to identify the difficulties of adapting students-representatives of the Eastern educational culture in the new academic environment. The role of the studied language and its teaching methods in the process of adaptation to new learning conditions is determined. A number of methodological actions are proposed to speed up and facilitate the understanding and acceptance of a new model of foreign language learning for speakers of a different culture. Special attention is paid to the formation of students’ subjective motivation and their interest in the results of new knowledge and self-development.

Key words: foreign language education; previous educational experience; the problem of adaptation; subjective motivation; the zone of interaction of the subjects of the educational process.

Student research papers on Russian as foreign language at St. Petersburg State University: topics, current issues and trends

Buzalskaia Elena, Saint Petersburg State University (

Voznesenskaya Irina, Saint Petersburg State University (

Zinovieva Elena, Saint Petersburg State University (

The article presents the results of monitoring the topics of scientific research on linguistics of Russian and foreign bachelors and masters of St. Petersburg State University over the past five years. Analyzing the obtained data, the authors came to the conclusion that the main trends of the works are methodological integrativity (interrelation with different levels in Linguistics and other sciences in Art and Humanities), cognitive-discursive orientation, and the compliance with modern vectors of linguistic research such as anthropocentrism and functionalism

Key words: scientific paradigm, integrativity, research methodology, Russian as a foreign language.

Magazine articles

Light memory of Pavel Aleksandrovich Lekant – the great scientist and remarkable person
Book Review: Davydova T.T. Zamyatin encyclopedia. Moskow: FLINTA, 2018. 744 p.
Polysindeton as a means of achieving emphasis in émigré lyrics of Georgy Ivanov
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