Issue #4 (4) 2020
Professors Journal.
Features of the informational structure of the memoir story by V. Tokareva “House by Village” (in the ratio of ego-text to genre)
I.A. Gonchar, St. Petersburg state University (
L.D. Samokhvalova, St. Petersburg state University (
The article analyzes the information structure of the text of the story by V. Tokareva “House behind the village” (2018), projected on the features of building small genres of memoirs of fiction, related to ego-texts. The information structure of the text is identified with the concept of “discourse”, its main elements are speech composition, the nature of the use of language tools that determined the subjectivity of the narrative, the nature of the distribution of information in the text for intentional purposes.
Key words: information structure, discourse, memoir story genre, information structure, discourse, text structure, genre of memoir story, ego-text.
On the antonymic deployment of invariant parameters of Russian communicative kinemes
Anna A. Korosteleva, Lomonosov Moscow State University (
The study is carried out within the framework of semantic communicative analysis and is dedicated to the semantics of communicative kinesic means of the Russian language. It proves the ability of the invariant meanings of Russian communicative gestures to antonymic deployment in a statement. This trait can presumably be attributed to typological particularities of Russian language. The fact of submission of basic Russian kinemes to the algorithm of antonymic deployment of parameters discovered by M.G. Bezyaeva for verbal units, can form the foundation of a new approach to their description in dictionaries.
Key words: communicative semantics, Russian spoken dialogue, kinesic language means.
About pedagogical terms “training” and “teaching”
L.V. Moskovkin, Saint Petersburg state University (
E.B. Rykova, North-Western state medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov
The article deals with the pedagogical terms “training” and “teaching”. Authors analyze their use in various contexts, including Ruscorpora examples and believe that training and teaching in the minds of teachers and many methodologists are types of pedagogical influence: teaching is the formation of knowledge, and training is the formation of skills. Attempts of scientists to establish subordination relations between them are recognized as illegal. The idea that training is a joint activity of a teacher and students is criticized.
Key words: teaching, training, pedagogical influence, pedagogical terminology.
The epoch in functional and communicative grammar: in memory of Professor Maya Vladimirovna Vsevolodova (her life and work)
Fedor I. Pankov, Lomonosov Moscow State University (
On 5 February 2020 died Maya V. Vsevolodova (1928–2020), professor of the department of didactic linguistics and theory of teaching Russian as a foreign language, honored professor at Lomonosov Moscow State University, honorary professor at Shanghai foreign languages University, major linguist, a distinguished scientist who laid the foundations for a linguodidactic model of Russian language in general, and functional-communicative grammar in particular.
Key words: Russian as a foreign language, functional-communicative grammar.